Arbitrariness can only be relative.
At least some of what exists is substantial.
It would be absolutely arbitrary if no substance was the most fundamental.
There is one ultimate substance.
Without variance or discontinuity the universe would be featureless.
No quality varies without this being grounded in in some difference with respect to substance.
No quality can be most fundamental if its variance is grounded in the variance of some other quality.
Variance of a most fundamental quality can only be grounded in what is otherwise purely quantitative difference with respect to ultimate substance.
Numerical quantity, density and extension are not purely quantitative since they depend on qualities shared by distributed instances.
Purely quantitative difference is limited to that between presence and absence.
Extension and density are spatial distributions of discrete presence and absence.
Discrete presence and absence imply discontinuity.
All variance is ultimately grounded in discontinuity of substance.
The only discontinuity possible with respect to ultimate substance is limited and categorical absence thereof.
As space can only be relative, no substance with an isolated portion can be ultimate.
Nothing beyond an external limit of ultimate substance could have any being.
All real variations are change in shape or position of voids in ultimate substance.
Nothing exists to constrain ultimate substance, or therefore the voids in it, other than itself.
Voids in ultimate substance are necessarily absolute.
The non-boundary part of an absolute void has no inherent quality.
Ultimate substance can have no substrate for variance, or thus any means to manifest except through shape and position of voids.
Will is manifest and introspectable as directed from internal to external.
Will can only arise at the boundaries of voids.
Persons are irreducible, unitary and self-reflexive manifestations of qualities.
Persons are thus closed boundaries of ultimate voids.
Persons identify with the universe, groups and their own bodies, all relatively.
Like all other internal boundaries of absolutely unitary substance, persons are as much everything in general as particular individuals.
Every quality of persons inheres in and expresses the quality of substance.
No quality of persons is unique apart from the modes of its manifestation.
Absolutely negative quality is a contradiction in terms.
Neither voids nor ultimate substance have scope to sustain damage, thus harm can only be an individually or collectively relative experience.
If substance did anything pointless or net harmful it would not be the unitary bearer of all real instances of positive quality, which it necessarily is.
All is ultimately good.
Intentional evil is any aspect of obscure good that cannot be chosen without moral self-deception.
Choosing what should appear as net harm in one’s broadest consistent outlook is the essence of moral error.
Self-deception is pathological and all pathology is a significant affliction of at least the bearer in due course.
All beings have limited capacity for self-regulation.
Definition of nomic (Entry 2 of 3)
1: having the general force of natural law : generally valid // a nomic statement (Merriam-Webster).
Laws are apparent through perfect correlation.
Correlation between intent and action reflects nomic relation between active boundary dynamics of one void and spatiotemporal relations among others.
Correlation between stimulus and sensation reflects nomic relation between spatiotemporal relations of voids and their passive boundary dynamics.
If no such law was absolute then arbitrariness would not be merely relative, which it necessarily is.
All interplay between voids is conducted by substance in ways that are unmanifest except insofar as constrained by laws of nature, which concern every aspect of motion, consciousness and structure.
Nothing could be absolutely static without being unmanifest.
All action is manifest.
Everyone has a piece of the dynamic puzzle because ultimate substance owns every instance of positive quality and is logically constrained to act though the boundary of each void in it, thereby expressing purpose and natural law.
The foregoing constitutes an original deduction from first principles of certain propositions including one first publicized by Henry Laurency, as outlined by the conjunction of three quotes here:
…matter makes up a continuum…this has been assumed by some scientists and has been given its most appropriate formulation in Poincaré’s thesis: atoms are just voids in the ether.
— The Philosopher’s Stone, Henry T. Laurency, 2.2:6
This fact — that the self is a primordial atom, a monad — was never mentioned in the esoteric literature…the selfatom (monad)…remained a never-mentioned, unknown quantity, and so this entity always appeared to be a “mystical” and unsatisfactory item to the philosophers who must always have full clarity about the basic facts of existence. It is only in the works of Laurency that this basic fact is presented.
— The Knowledge of Life, Henry T. Laurency, 2.1:8
The self, the most secret of all secrets, is never mentioned save as the “point of light, eternally present”.
— The Way Man, Henry T. Laurency, 8.27:6
Such enables, along the lines developed above, relatively new analytical depth and coherence for interpretation of arguably all things, naturally not excluding quotes below from Alice Bailey.
The Transcendent One, the Life, the Whole, the All entered into communion with Itself and by this act became a vital point of life and focussed power.
I am and I am not. Greater than This is That; smaller than That is This. But That must show to This the nature of the whole, and showing prove itself unto Itself.
I, the beginning am. I am the outward and the inward Way and back into the point of concentration and from the point I turn again unto Myself, carrying within my heart of love that which I, the One, have served and that for which I sacrifice Myself.
— The Old Commentary, quoted in Esoteric Astrology, Alice Bailey, p616.
Today we should have the churches presenting a synthesis of these two ideas which have been summed up for us in the statement of Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: “Having pervaded this whole universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain”. God, greater than the created whole, yet God present also in the part; God transcendent guarantees the plan for our world and is the Purpose, conditioning all lives from the minutest atom, up through all the kingdoms of nature to man.
— Problems of Humanity, Alice Bailey, p142.